Aunaray Clusiau
Peachland, BC
Aunaray Clusiau has had a varied and eclectic career in the arts. Beginning at the Ontario College of Art led to an apprenticeship with Mexican painter Luis Merino, followed by acceptance and graduation from the Emily Carr College of Art and Design. From there, Aunaray dove into the film industry with her work screened at the Toronto International Film Festival and the epic creation of seventy karaoke music videos.
In search for greater meaning, her life changed radically in 2000 when she attended a Vipassana retreat, became a reiki master, then yoga teacher, and finally studio painter. Aunaray lives in Peachland with a view of the lake and paints with a strong lean towards the abstract, focusing on the many inspirations of Okanagan water.
Showing 1–30 of 61 artworks