Ken Q Li
Edmonton, AB
Born in China in 1958, Ken Q Li began sculpting at a very early age. He worked as an apprentice in a jade carving facility after secondary school. Upon completing his training, he became a technical worker in carving and engraving in every kind of stone including jade, marble and soapstone.
Ken went to college at The Guangdong Art and Crafts College in Canton, China majoring in carving and sculpting. He studied traditional Chinese and western carving, then returned to the jade carving facility, this time supervising the carving. The company evolved into a jewellery manufacturer and Ken became a designer and sample maker.
Ken moved to Canada in 1997, living in small towns throughout Northern Alberta and the Northwest Territories. He became inspired by the wildlife of North America. Blending the traditional Chinese technique with western inspirations, he has created a style that enables him to express his feelings for the wildlife of the North.
Showing 1–30 of 46 artworks