Robyn Lake
Penticton, BC
Robyn Lake was born in Cairns, Australia and came to Canada in 1976. Her move to the Okanagan in 1991 allowed her to diversify her subject matter from intimate close up views of flowers and fruit, to panoramic views of the beautiful B.C. landscape. Her luscious paintings reflect her intense love of the land, and her vibrant colours express her emotional response to her subject matter. Robyn’s oil and acrylic paintings have been in numerous solo and group exhibitions and can be found in collections around the globe.
"There’s a flow of energy through the land and when I’m out there, I become part of it, especially when I’m painting or gardening (my other passion). I love to paint out in the landscape, but whether outside or in the studio, I become completely involved in the process of painting. I only think about what I am doing right then in the moment; composing the picture. Simplifying things to say what I want to express in the simplest manner, using value, colour temperatures, and intuitive choices that reflect how I feel about my subject.”
Showing 1–30 of 117 artworks